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Resection: How to find out where you are with a compass and map

Last week I did a guest host on Intense Angler’s youtube channel for his Friday tip of the week. We looked at resection or how to find out where you are on your map. It’s a really cool tip to know as it can potentially save your life and at the very least help you out of the woods/wilderness if you’re lost. Check out the video below.

Well, first a bit of background. What you’ll need is:

  • a proper survey map with notes for magnetic variance
  • a compass with adjustable base plate
  • a pen
  • 2 easily identifiable landmarks
Here’s the video below, but one thing I didn’t cover in the video is how to adjust for magnetic north so here’s the explication I gave on a youtube comment:

Great Question. Depending on where you are in the world, how you adjust the compass will be different. On the bottom right of the map there will be a compass with “TN” (true north) pointing straight up and MN (Magnetic North) To one side. If MN is to the left you add the # of degrees to the compass (turn it right X degrees). If MN is right then you subtract (turn it left X degrees). Make sure your maps are current as the magnetic fields change over time.

Here, to adjust for variance, you’d have to
turn the dial to the left 17.8 degrees so that the compass lines up with TN


So here’s the video. Go out and try this with your map and compass!

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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