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Celebrate the outdoors by sharing your adventure

The Nature Conservancy of Canada is celebrating 50 years. The parks and outdoors are staying green and clean, meaning there are more opportunities and less obstacles to get outdoors and enjoy them.

To Celebrate this landmark, the NCC wants you to get outside and encourage others to do so by sharing your story. They’ve set up a page where you can share your outdoors adventures on an interactive map and see stories from others who are doing the same. The more stories, the more you’re getting out, the more stories there are to read and the more likely you’ll be inspired to do the same.

So head on over to the Time for Nature sub-site and share your story and upload a photo or two. Want some ideas? Why not View the stories that have already been submitted? It doesn’t matter if it’s in Canada, US, or some other country, just start posting your adventures and encourage family, friends and co-workers to do the same. Let’s celebrate the fact that our outdoors are clean, safe and beautiful by getting out and enjoying them.

Once you’ve done, we’d love to read yours, so tell us where it is in a comment below and we’ll go find it!

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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