Home / Adventure / Jungle Waterfalls: trek day 2 – Bolivia Trip 2012

Jungle Waterfalls: trek day 2 – Bolivia Trip 2012


On the second day out, we had a guide and started up the original trail we had ventured down on our first day, but we went much further and saw so much more.
This time, as we were hiking along, i noticed a licorice like smell that had me searching for a plant I had seen on a trip to Sorata the previous year. It turned out to be wild anis that the guide didn’t know was in the area and when you rub it between your fingers it lets out an amazing aroma. It can be used to make a tea (mate in Bolivia).
The kids were more interested in the flowers and mariposas (butterflies) and getting a free ride over the puddles (thanks to the guide).
Again, they crossed the bridge without concern and then led the way up the trails. We saw lots of plants and flowers, including an amazing tree that smelled like perfume. My favorite was the phosphorescent lichen growing on the rocks near the waterfall.
Our first sgoal was a waterfall. Superstition says that drinking from it will grant you wishes! The kids, wife and I were all happy to just be allowed to climb it and enjoy the cool, refreshing spray. The kids then proceeded  to wade through pools, soaking themselves as they headed down river. 
Our second stop was the better of the two falls. It was much bigger and we had to clamber through the pools and river to even see it. It gave the kids (and me) a chance to distract ourselves and get soaking wet in the process.
I ended up having to carry my son back as he was completely tuckered from all the walking. We were really looking forward to lunch after a change of sopping wet clothes.
There are a lot more trails then we went on and they are even working on a much larger Tibetan bridge that crosses the larger river as well. If you have the energy you could have passed the whole day trekking up the mountain side and getting closer to seeing bears, pumas, porcupines, deer and other wildlife. While the hotel was a disappointment, the trails are definitely worth a look if you have the time.
Take a look at this video of our hike:

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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