Home / DIY / DIY Project: Leather shoulder bag

DIY Project: Leather shoulder bag

I’m always looking for new skills to learn and new hobbies to try out, and one of my favourites right now is leather working. My wife was looking for a shoulder bag for carrying some larger items, so I decided to sit down with her and draft up a plan. After chatting about dimensions, features, etc I went to work with the cow hide I’ve had sitting around with me.

I’ve made belts and sheaths for my knife, but I wanted to do something bigger. This project was a big task to undertake so I worked at it in free time, when I needed a break from my schedule and in a week or two I had it finished. It took a bit longer as I decided to pull out a video camera to document the “making of”. Now that it’s all done if people are interested in how I did it, I might be able to put together some DIYs.


I’m certainly just an amateur, but it’s amazing how much you can do with a bit of leather and a couple tools. These tools above are the only ones I used!
Well, please watch the overview of the project below and let me know your thoughts. What leather projects have you been making? Do you have any tips for me?

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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