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Feature: Sierra Trading Post

I’ve been shopping at the Sierra Trading Post online for about 3 years now. The deals are incredible and frequent and their store is incredibly easy to navigate. Around the end of the year my wife and I start eyeing things that we’d like and wait for the right sale. Actually, we usually pick up most of the clothes we need for the year in a week just because it is such a good price.

It was their great variety of backpacking and outdoor gear and clothing that made me say yes when the Sierra Trading Post offered two $50 gift cards for our Outdoor Winter Giveaway. The only downside is that I wouldn’t get one.

To say thank you to them for the generosity and to share with you the amazingness that is the Sierra Trading Post I worked with Andy Hawbaker to put together a profile that I thought would be interesting.

Read more by clicking “Read More” below and see how to enter to win a $50 gift card.

What is the Sierra Trading Post and how can they offer such great prices?

Sierra Trading Post started in 1986 as a catalog company and has grown into a top 100 internet retailer plus has four brick and mortar outlet stores located in Cheyenne, Cody WY., Reno, and Boise. We offer Great Deals on Great Brands because we purchase overstock and closeouts from all the major outdoor brands. We solve a problem for these outdoor companies by buying up all of their extra product. Sometimes the companies even do an extra run of a product just for us if they have extra fabrics. We’ve built great relationships with these brands and that allows us to sell these great products at 30 to 70% off the retail price.

And what is this hub of which you speak?

The Hub is the Sierra Trading Post company blog but instead of being one sales pitch after another we focus on sharing adventures, encouraging people to get outside and sharing our love of the outdoors and outdoor activities. People can make and share their own blogs and comment on others too.

The Hub Brand Spotlight

Each Thursday we do a Brand Spotlight where we pick one of the brands we sell and give a little history or story about the brand. Then we giveaway a product each week to one lucky winner.

Can you explain a bit about the STP Live events?

We started STP Live in October as a fun way to interact with our customers and fans. Basically, it is a live video feed where we feature one brand and talk about that brand and the products they make. We take live questions from Twitter and answer them on the air. We try to provide valuable information to help viewers make informed decisions on their outdoor gear purchases.

Our next STP Live is scheduled for 2 pm Nov. 29th. We will be featuring Redfeather Snowshoes and will provide information about the brand as well as choosing the right pair of snowshoes.

Don’t forget to sign up for their newsletter to receive their daily dealflyer coupons!

Enter below to win a $50 gift card to Sierra Trading Post

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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