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Preparing kids to be safe

As I’ve mentioned previously, our family has some ambitious adventure plans this summer. On various outings we’ll be taking some or all of our kids with us into the backcountry. I’m not talking parks, I’m talking areas out of cellphone range with lions (mountain) and bears (not teddys). What makes me feel comfortable is that we do all we can to prepare our kids and ourselves for potential problems.

Every year, I take the kids through a mixture of survival skills and bear safety instructions. They have it droned into them what it means to be safe and what to do if they’re lost. Each of them has a kid specific safety kit to keep them safe for 24 hours, too.

As a parent we feel it our responsibility to be prepared to help too. My wife knows first aid and this year I’ll be taking a wilderness first aid course to make sure I know what to do in serious situations.

In the end, no situation is 100% safe, but my wife and I have decided to do our research and prepared our kids so that we’re at least better prepared for what may come.

As parents or grandparents what do you do to prepare yourselves and your kids for adventure?

About Paul

A guy trying to get away from his desk so that he can fish, hike, play and just plain be in the outdoors.

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